Additional Services
Finding the right school or college can be a complex and involved process especially for families with students who struggle with learning or attentional challenges. In these cases, specifically tailored advice and support from experienced experts throughout the process can be invaluable.
Matlack Educational Consulting affiliate consultants offer the following additional services for students with mild to more complex learning profiles:
Guidance on how to apply for accommodations for standardized testing (i.e., SSAT, ISEE, SAT, and ACT)
Recommendations for customized support services, learning tools, and programs specific to a student’s academic or organizational needs
Referrals for neuro-psychological and academic testing, as well as general recommendations for individual testing batteries
Participation in and guidance on IEP/504 meetings and teacher-parent discussions
Identification of assistive technology for students requiring support in reading, writing, organization of ideas, note taking, and time management
On-site student observations at the child’s current school to better understand student’s learning style
Development of transition plan for students seeking alternative post-secondary options
Assessment of the student’s college readiness
Creation of a document outlining the specific accommodations and support services offered at individual colleges or universities
One year of college support services that include:
working with the college’s learning support services to customize support for the student’s specific academic needs
ensuring that the student obtains and fully utilizes academic accommodations
Contact us for more information.