When haste might make waste

Pulling an all-nighter for the college application Our goal for many of our college clients is for them to have most of their common application completed by the end of the summer. In July and August rising seniors have more time and fewer distractions so they can fully focus on completing the common app, and completing it well. The Fall is can be a very busy time and students should be focusing their energies on their classwork as this is the last opportunity for early applicants to show their academic metal. Final visits to colleges, interviews either off or on campus, and filling out the supplemental materials required by some colleges takes a tremendous amount of effort and emotional energy, leaving little for the common application.

That said, pulling all-nighters over the summer just to "be done" or to be the first applicant at a school seems imprudent. With only one chance to make a good impression on admissions officers, it's important to devote time and care to the application so that you will be viewed in your best possible light. So, work to get that application done well, but don't sacrifice quality for speed.